**** ****
Site: | Channel in between the isles Medio and Paniquian |

Eagle ray |
Accessible: |
15 min. per boat |
Conditions: |
Most of the time calm with slight current |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
12 meter |
Maximum depth: |
13 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
All kinds of little coral fish, sea cucumber, mushroom coral and star fish |
General: |
Very quiet, few divers |
Site: |
West of the island Medio |

Red anemone fish |
Accessible: |
15 min. per boat |
Conditions: |
Mosly calm, best to dive at rising tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
6 meter |
Maximum depth: |
9 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
All kinds or common little coral fish, young white tip reefsharks in deeper
parts |
General: |
First class snorkling site!
Relaxing dive because it is shallow; located at a very quiet beach |
Site: |
In between Coco Beach and Medio island |

Banded sergeant |
Accessible: |
10 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
14 meter |
Maximum depth: |
27 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Big spunges up to 2 meter heigh. When there is current: schools of
fusiliers,gropers and lipfish. Blue spotted rays are common here and there are
sometimes sharks |
General: |
Nice diving spot, few visitors. At last visit 12 blauwgespikkelde
pijlstaartroggen |
*** ***
Site: |
At the end of the channel in between the island Medio and Coco Beach |

Barracuda |
Accessible: |
10 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, sometimes strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
12 meter |
Maximum depth: |
12 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
All kinds of small common coral fish, an abundance of soft corals and
spunges |
General: |
Good dive for starters |
Site: |
La Laguna Point |

Clark's anemone fish |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, with a little bit of current. Best to dive at high tide. |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
10 meter |
Maximum depth: |
15 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Good place for slugs, colorful crinoids |
General: |
Nice relaxed diving spot, excellent for beginners |
Site: |
300 meter east of Big Apple |

Phil. surgeon fish |
Accessible: |
3 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, sometimes strong current, depends on tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
15 meter |
Maximum depth: |
22 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Stone- and soft coral, sometimes turtles, sea snakes and invertebrates |
Algemeen: |
Splendid diving site, especially if there is eastern current |
Site: |
East of Sabang Point |

Fusilier |
Accessible: |
5 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Current depends on tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
32 meter |
Maximum depth: |
45 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Nice small flora, batfishes, sea snakes. |
General: |
Wooden wreck is very deteriorated |
Site: |
Located under monkey rock |

Greensnout parrotfish |
Accessible: |
7 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Same as Monkey Wreck |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
12 meter |
Maximum depth: |
18 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Star fish, sea cucumbers, slugs, sea-urchins, sometimes sea turtles |
General: |
Beautiful coral wall, very suitable for beginners |
CAVE ****
Site: |
East of Monkey Beach |

Multi coloured snake eal |
Accessible: |
10 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Current depends on tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
22 meter |
Maximum depth: |
30 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Nice coral, surgeonfish, cardinal fish, moray, triggerfish, fusiliers.
Sometimes white tip reef sharks. |
General: |
Two small caves, one at 22 and one at 27 meter |
Site: | West of Wreck Point |

Spotted giant groper
Accessible: |
15 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Most of the time waves,sometimes strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
18 meter |
Maximum depth: |
30 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
All kinds of common coral fish, soft corals and often tuna |
General: |
Easy multi level dive of 12 to 27 meter |
Site: |
West of Escarceo Point |

Common Picasso trigger |
Accessible: |
18 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Waves, strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 25 meter |
Average depth: |
25 meter |
Maximum depth: |
30 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Vlindervis, trompetvis, trekkervis, fusilier and sometimes a white tip reef
shark |
General: |
Good diving site, a lot to be seen. Because of current, no beginners dive |
Site: |
West of Escarceo Point |

Red fire fish |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Strong current is possible, depends on the tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 25 meter |
Average depth: |
18 meter |
Maximum depth: |
27 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Giant table corals, many types of slugs, parrotfish, pufferfish |
General: |
Excellent dive spot, very divers fauna, current changes |
Site: |
West of Escarceo Point |

Coral butterfly |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Often rough with strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 25 meter |
Average depth: |
12 meter |
Maximum depth: |
19 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Fields of table corals, schools of parrotfish, sweetlips in short
"everything"! |
General: |
Opening in a wall of 1.5 meter on 12 meter depth. Magnificent! |
Site: |
North east of Escarceo Point |

Longfin batfish |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Rough. Very influenced by tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 30 meter |
Average depth: |
40 meter |
Maximum depth: |
60 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
One can really see everything here: white tipe reef sharks, turtles and big
tuna's |
General: |
Magnificent site for advanced divers! Once you've seen is, you want to go
back! |
Site: |
North east of Escarceo Point |

Scribbled leather jacket |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Strong current; best to go at high tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 30 meter |
Average depth: |
29 meter |
Maximum depth: |
60 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Big bask corals with a wealth of fish. Big schools with several kinds of
fish |
General: |
Magnificent site! One can quietly observe the beautiful underwater life in
between the rocks |
Site: |
East of Escarceo Point |

Masked bannerfish |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Rough with strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
25 meter |
Maximum depth: |
30 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Big rock with heaps of coral. A sleeping shark. Also big fish |
General: |
Not as difficult as it looks like. Little current on the bottom |
Site: |
South east of Escarceo Point |

Dark surgeonfish |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Waves, medium current |
Visibility: |
Up to 25 meter |
Average depth: |
20 meter |
Maximum depth: |
33 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Atoll shaped coral. Many lionfish (fire fish) and blue spotted rays on a
sandy bottom |
General: |
Nice dive for the more confident divers |
*** ***
Site: |
East of Escarceo Point |

Ambon toby |
Accessible: |
20 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, with a bit of current. Best to dive here at high tide |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
10 meter |
Maximum depth: | 15 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Overhang covered with pink coral. Many little coral fish. Slugs |
General: |
Nice spot for night dives; also for beginners |
Site: | South of Escarceo Point |

Stingray |
Accessible: | 22
minutes per boat |
Conditions: | Rough
with often strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: | 20 meter |
Maximum depth: |
40 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Beautiful hard and soft coral. Many invertebrates |
General: |
Stepwise descent. Best to dive this at low tide as fast drift dive. Nice
experience! |
Site: |
At the shore of south zuid Escarceo |

Randalls grooper |
Accessible: |
22 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Same as Monkey Wreck |
Visibility: |
Up to 25 meter |
Average depth: |
25 meter |
Maximum depth: |
40 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
A lot of soft coral and slugs; a lot of big fish in the deeper parts |
General: |
A lot to be seen; sometimes white tip shark. Big groups of fish from the
mackerel family are very common. Big schools of the mackerel family are no
exception here |
Site: | South of Escarceo Point |

Tuna |
Accessible: |
22 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Wavy with some current |
Visibility: |
Up to 15 meter |
Average depth: | 20 meter |
Maximum depth: |
24 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Massive grown over stones and passageways with big fish |
General: |
Often big fish but often less visibility. Few divers go here |
Site: |
The east point of Verde Island |

False kelpfish |
Accessible: |
60 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, some current |
Visibility: |
Up to 30 meter |
Average depth: |
Maximum depth: |
60 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Alle soorten voorkomende koraalvissen, zachte koralen, Eagle rays |
General: |
Excellent! Splendid wall! An abundance of underwater life. Nice as daytrip
with lunch |
Site: |
Mid south Verde island |

White tip reef shark |
Accessible: |
60 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Stroming in elke richting |
Visibility: |
Up to 20 meter |
Average depth: |
15 meter |
Maximum depth: |
30 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
The usual under water life; nice! |
General: |
Not suitable for beginners. Series of small canyons with current changing to
every direction. Worth going there on a daytrip |
Site: |
West Verde Island |

White eye moray |
Accessible: |
60 minutes per boat |
Conditions: |
Calm, strong current |
Visibility: |
Up to 25 meter |
Average depth: |
18 meter |
Maximum depth: |
18 meter |
Flora and fauna: |
Loads of fish and coral, many different types |
General: |
Fast drift dive, also suitable for beginners. A nice destination for a
daytrip. |
The diving sites are easily reached from our resort by boat.
There are about 20 nice diving sites close to the resort.
A boattrip will take you in about 10 to 20 minutes to your dive spot.
Several diving sites are also easily reached from the shore.
We prefer to dive with small groups.
We also take the level of each diver into consideration.
One can dive the entire year because of the convenient location and the
From the beach, one can go diving, swimming and snorkling.
You can also join other activities which are organized on the beach from our
Trail trips to beautiful waterfalls, white water and beaches are often
Transportation per jeepney or with the beautiful old carabow(os) and cart.
Your host "Kitt" will give you all the information you need.
Please see also this
Philippine Diving page for more information. |